LifeStream Services currently works with over 60 provider partners who assist with services such as homemaking, home health aide, nursing and supplies.
We are starting our next two-year contracting cycle with providers. Below is the application materials to apply to be one of LifeStream’s providers.
Please note: Effective April 1, 2004, to be a CHOICE Provider, you must also provide Medicaid Waiver services. As a result, LifeStream Services, Inc. requires each CHOICE provider to enclose a copy of the letter from EDS showing their Medicaid Waiver Provider Number. No provider will be contracted or paid for CHOICE services without their Waiver number on file. In the event you are not currently a Medicaid Waiver provider, a letter showing Certification of Provider Enrollment is required.
Questions? Please contact Tony Suttle, Quality Control Manager, at 765-759-1121 or