Are You a Senior?

Life doesn’t have to stop
just because you’re getting older.

At LifeStream, we believe that sometimes all it takes is a little assistance to help you maintain your own independence. That assistance, tailored to your own unique needs, is exactly what we aim to provide by offering information, resources, and support to help improve your quality of life so that you may be able to remain independent.

If these services interest you, click on the name below to jump down the page and get more information.


Senior Services

Information and Assistance

The process of seeking help can be overwhelming. There are so many options out there, but only some that meet your unique needs. Our Information and Assistance department can help to narrow down this search for you and guide you in the right direction. We provide a variety of options so that you may find the correct guidance for any obstacle that you may face.

  • LifeStream Information and Assistance
  • In-Home Care Management
  • Options Counseling

Contact our Information & Assistance Department today to discuss your needs.

In-Home Care Management

Many find comfort in their own home, and because of this, remaining in their home, even as they age, becomes a priority. We look for ways to provide just that: the opportunity to remain in your home. Our staff works diligently to assess client need and assist wherever they can. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Identifying funding sources for services
  • Providing our clients’ choices of in-home service providers in their area
  • Authorizing delivery Service
  • Client follow-up
  • Assistance with transitioning from nursing facilities back into a residential setting
  • Assistance with exploring options for care

Contact our In-Home Care Managers and Options Counselors to connect to care.


As you age, your body develops new needs and demands. Nutrition can play an essential role in your overall health. Many struggle to both address and meet these nutritional needs on their own. Some do not have the time or resources required to maintain a well-balanced diet, and others may not even understand the overall impact that certain foods might have on their health. Our Nutrition services are designed to meet you halfway. Our program is designed to educate you on what foods your body needs, and provide you convenient access to these healthier options through our many programs, including:

  • Senior Cafés
  • Home Delivered Meals
  • Farmers Market Vouchers

If you are seeking access and education to better nutrition options, visit our nutrition page today and learn more about our services.


Along with Nutrition, overall wellness must become a necessary focus when aging, to help prevent unnecessary pain or illness. Many times, this overall wellness can revolve around getting up and moving in a safe and monitored environment. Our Wellness programs are designed to provide age-appropriate activities and education designed to help encourage seniors to remain active:

  • Active Living Every Day
  • Geri-Fit
  • Home Meds
  • A Matter of Balance
  • WISE (Wellness Initiative for Senior Education)
  • Healthy Eating Every Day

If you are looking for options to get active and learn more about your overall wellness, visit our Wellness page today and learn more about our services.


Often times, transportation is a major barrier between an individual and an independent lifestyle. Whether you need to get to a doctor’s appointment, the grocery store, or simply to the park, we believe that you should not be denied an independent sense of life simply because you can no longer drive. Because of this, we provide transportation services for those who live in nearly every county that we serve counties that we serve.

If you are looking for transportation in East Central Indiana, visit our Transportation page today to learn more.

Community Events

From informational conferences to fun fall festivals, we work hard to provide a wide array of events and opportunities so that everyone who wants to participate can in some way no matter their unique needs or lifestyle.

  • Virtual Opportunities
  • Aging Well Conference
  • Healthy Aging Expo.
  • Fall Festival
  • Joy Games
  • Annual Golf Outing

If you are interested in learning more about the events we offer, visit our events page to learn more. 


While many seniors may be on the receiving end of our volunteer program, some older adults find joy in giving back to the community by volunteering their own talents in some way. We have a wide variety of volunteer opportunities, so if you are interested in participating, you will certainly be able to find the position best fitted for your unique needs and desires. Some of our senior volunteer opportunities include:

  • Senior Café
  • Friendly Caller
  • AngelWish bagging/delivery
  • Crafting
  • Senior Safety Net
  • Administrative tasks
  • Events
  • Senior Medicaid Patrol

If you are interested in participating in one or multiple volunteer positions, visit our volunteer page today.

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