In-Home Care Management & Options Counseling

Our In-Home Care Managers and Options Counselors help clients connect with the care they need and deserve!

Our staff works diligently to assess client need and assist wherever they can – this includes, but is not limited to:

  • Identifying funding sources for services
  • Providing our clients’ choices of in-home service providers in their area,
  • Authorizing delivery of service
  • Following up with clients to make sure they are satisfied and getting the level of care they need.
  • Assisting with transition from nursing facilities back into a residential setting
  • Assisting with exploring options for care.

Have questions? Would you like more information about our services? Call (888) 589-1121 or use our online form:

The Process of Starting Services:

Step 1: Call LifeStream Services.

First, we will determine if a home visit is needed. Then, an Options Counselor will receive this information, assess the individual’s needs, and assist in meeting those needs. The Options Counselor will call to schedule a home visit with the individual. This occurs in 2 to 5 days.

Step 2: A home visit is made.

During the visit, the individual will be asked questions and will choose providers for the services they will receive. Then, the home visit documentation is completed and a care plan is developed, approved, and implemented. This occurs in 2-30 days.

Step 3: Services will begin as soon as possible.

The case is then transferred to an in-home care manager, who makes a 30 day follow-up call and completes a home visit every 90 days. Services are monitored and adjusted as needed on an on-going basis.

Are you ready to take the next step?


Our guardianship services help people who don’t have family or friends to help take care of their well-being.

We have years of experience in helping those who can no longer take care of their private affairs. We serve as guardians for more than 30 individuals through a state-supported program.

For more information on Guardianship Services, please refer to the following organizations:

Have questions or want more information about our services?

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